Thursday 5 April 2012

Memasak Group 2: Talam Ebi & Panada

Makanan khas Indonesia <2
an introduction to some popular snacks in Indonesia


dried shrimp snack

Ingredients used to make Talam Ebi:
Rice flour, tapioca flour, sugar, coconut milk, salt & boiling water

Next up ...

Ini seperti (looks like) curry puff

Lets take a look at the making process:

The final product!

Ingredients used to make Panada:
Tepung(flour), Telur (egg), Ikan Tuna

 Rasanya asin, sedikit manis, sedikit pedas

Thank you Memasak Group 2 for the delicious treat! 

Sunday 1 April 2012

Pada Hari Projek 23 March at LT 8 :)

Hari Proyek is an Indonesian Project done by LAB1201 students for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of Indonesian Culture, their cultural activities and habits, history and origin of different states, traditional costumes, and not forgetting, the Indonesian food specialties.   :P

Below are snippets of photos taken on the Project Day.

Pre Event Preparation by Group Logistiks:

Silakan Masuk!

 The emcees of the Day:

 First up, 'Tari Saman' (Saman Perfomance) 

Kostum Tradisional:
 Students who are representing different states in Indonesia paraded in their colorful traditional costumes. Mbak cantik dan Mas tampan sekali!

Angklung Performance

Presentation of Memasak Groups 1- 5, who presented their Indonesian food specialty and the process of how to make it. Memasak sulit ya?

Jumputan Batik:

Menyani (Singing):

Janur and logisitics:
we presented Janur Burung (bird) as a gift of appreciation to all the Ibus, for the gentle guidance and time they have put in teaching Bahasa Indonesia 1. 

Terima Kasih Ibus!

Tari Maluku (Maluku Dance):


Sesudah Proyek...
The Indonesian food specialties were prepared by respective Memasak Group 1-5, it satisfied our growling stomachs after the day.


Makanan Indonesia enak ya!

Photos of respective performances  groups that made Hari Proyek such a success and memorable event. Everyone indeed had their takeaways and gained a better understanding of Indonesian Culture. :)